The SIPTU Yes to Equality campaign has welcomed the Government’s confirmation that the Civil Marriage Equality referendum will be held on Friday, 22nd May. SIPTU Campaigns and Equality Organiser, Ethel Buckley, said: “The campaign now has just over twelve weeks to ensure that trade unionists turn out to vote ‘Yes’ for this change which will promote greater equality in our society. Our activists intend to make the best use of this time winning the argument in workplaces and communities across the country.“Equality is a core value of the trade union movement,” she said. “Winning this referendum will ensure that workers in same sex relationships will stand a better chance of being valued as equal citizens.”SIPTU Yes to Equality campaign activists are currently attending meetings of trades councils and SIPTU District Councils to inform them of the case for a ‘Yes’ vote and the key issues involved in the Civil Marriage Equality Referendum.The SIPTU Yes to Equality campaign is also distributing posters to workplaces and supporting members who wish to hold local meetings on the issue.