The SIPTU NEC statement of 21st November 2014 concluded: “Therefore, in the absence of a declaration by the Government of its intention to provide every household with an adequate supply of water to meet all its domestic needs, at no direct cost, while retaining a tariff on non-essential use only and to legislate for a Referendum to prohibit privatisation, we will work with other trade unions and civil society organisations, including those involved in Right2Water, to campaign through peaceful protests and other democratic actions, to achieve these objectives”. Since then, the Government has given no indication of any further movement in its position. Therefore, we have sought engagement with the trade unions involved in the current Right2Water Campaign with a view to the development of a common platform on the issue across the movement. Pending the outcome of any discussions with the other trade unions, we would encourage members to participate in the Right2Water protest which is scheduled to take place at Leinster House, Merrion Square, Dublin 2 at 1.00 p.m. on Wednesday 10th December 2014, of their own volition, if they are free and available to do so. We believe that every peacefully conducted protest and democratic action has the potential to help further the demands for an adequate supply of water to meet the normal domestic needs of every household at no direct cost and a Referendum to change the Constitution so as to prohibit the privatisation of the public water supply.
Statement by the National Executive Council of SIPTU on the Right2Water Protest
Dec 5, 2014 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2014