A strike by SIPTU members at Roadstone Woods Ltd facilities across the country has entered its second week with management continuing to refuse to engage in meaningful negotiations. The dispute, which began on Monday, 16th June, concerns an attempt by management to implement major cuts to workers’ wages. For the last week pickets have been placed on approximately 20 locations and will continue until a fair resolution of the dispute is achieved. SIPTU Organiser, Davy Lane, said: “Over the last number of months both SIPTU and the TEEU have engaged in negotiations with the management of Roadstone Woods Ltd in relation to cost reductions.  Management wish to reduce the payroll cost by €10 million over the next five years, this is against the background of a cut of €6 million from payroll costs in 2012. Due to the unrealistic demands of management these talks broke down. “The Board of Cement Roadstone Holdings are setting cost reduction targets for its companies, which are inflicting financial hardship on their workers, while at the same time the company’s directors are accumulating massive bonuses, as was reported at its AGM earlier this year.” He added: “The pay cut which is currently being proposed by management would take €20,000 from the lowest paid workers over the next five years. Our members could not sustain such a loss against a background of the increasing costs of indirect taxation, hence their decision to embark on strike action. “There is no realism in the approach of the management of CRH in trying to attain this massive cut in payroll cost. Union representatives are prepared to engage with the company in realistic and meaningful negotiations when it indicates it is willing to do so.”