The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and SIPTU have joined forces in a show of solidarity between workers and students for the unveiling of a massive Vote Yes – Students for Marriage Equality banner over Liberty Hall. Speaking at the launch of the banner on Friday, 8th May, USI President, Laura Harmon, said: ''The Union of Students in Ireland are delighted to have this banner on Liberty Hall advocating a Yes vote in the marriage equality referendum on 22nd May. USI and SIPTU are proud to work together to promote marriage equality.“The student vote is galvanised around this issue and we expect students to vote in high numbers on 22nd May. This referendum is about equality under our constitution and it's about recognising all loving, committed relationships regardless of gender. Ethel Buckley, SIPTU’s National Campaigns and Equality Organiser said, “In teaming up with the USI to display a Vote Yes banner on Liberty Hall, SIPTU is playing its part in reminding young people to get out and vote.""Young people see the marriage equality issue not as just about ensuring equality for one section of society but about laying the foundations for a future more inclusive, vibrant and thriving Ireland. However 'liking' equality online isn't enough. What is crucial is that likes are turned into votes in polling booths on 22nd May."Ruairí McKiernan, founder of SpunOut said, "Things are looking good for a yes vote but there's no room for complacency. A yes vote isn't just for equal rights, it's a message to the world that a new Ireland is being born." The banner titled Yes. Students for Marriage Equality – #makegrathelaw will remain in situ throughout the campaign until 23rd May.
Students and workers join forces with unveiling of Vote Yes banner over Liberty Hall
May 16, 2024 | Archives, NewsArchive, NewsArchive2015