All SIPTU members are being called upon to join their colleagues and Mandate members employed at Dunnes Stores in a national protest in Dublin on Saturday 6th June. The major national demonstration in support of decent work and a living wage will begin at Merrion Square, Dublin 2, at 1.00 p.m. and conclude with a rally outside Dunnes Stores head office. Georges Street, Dublin 2. SIPTU Services Division Organiser, John King, said: “We are calling on all members and their families to come and support the rally on 6th June to send a very loud signal to this employer that workers and society will not accept such bad treatment of workers. “This rally needs to be supported by all workers in both public and private sectors where there is increasing evidence of the use of zero-hour and low-hour contracts. “The demands by Mandate and SIPTU members for fair and secure hours and the right to trade union representation are central to workers being treated with dignity and respect by their employers, and they are central to the building of a fair society. He added: “Low-hours contracts as in the case of Dunnes Stores and zero hours contracts in the case of the other employees are deeply exploitative and are leading to increasing levels of ‘in-work’ poverty. “The workers in Dunnes Stores can testify to the corrosive nature of such contracts to working and living conditions.”  “The use of these contracts extends far beyond the Dunnes Stores situation, as they are prevalent right across the retail, hospitality, private health care, private education, and in some areas in the public sector. “It is very important for this campaign that the rally on Saturday 6th June is supported to send a clear message to employers that bad employment practices will not be accepted and to the government on the urgent need for legislative reform.” For information on free buses to Dublin for the protest from across the country click here