Over 30 TDs have signed the SIPTU and TEEU Water Guarantee which was launched on Tuesday, 19th January, at a protest by local authority water workers outside Leinster House. The Water Guarantee commits politicians to a constitutional referendum to keep water services in public ownership and for the re-designation of Irish Water as a non-commercial state agency. TDs from the Labour Party, Sinn Féin, Fianna Fáil, the Social Democrats, Anti-Austerity Alliance, People Before Profit Alliance and Independents group publicly signed the Water Guarantee at the protest which was attended by local authority water workers from across the country. SIPTU Public Administration and Community Divisional Organiser, John King, said: “This campaign seeks to build cross party support for a referendum that will ensure that the State shall be solely responsible for the direct provision, including transmission, treatment, management and operation, of the public water supply. “The Guarantee also commits signatories to working for the re-designation of Irish Water from a commercial semi-state to a non-commercial state agency. This will help ensure that water services continue to be provided for the public good and are maintained by directly employed public servants.” SIPTU Sector Organiser, Brendan O’Brien, said: “This was a very successful launch to the campaign. We received support from senior figures in most of the main parties and smaller progressive groups. We expect many more TDs, Senators and councillors to sign up to the Guarantee in the coming days. It is important that elected representatives make their position clear in the run up to the election that they support the maintenance of the public control of our water services. “The Water Guarantee is part of a wider trade union campaign against the creeping privatisation of our water services. Water workers are committed to the provision of this public service and will do everything they can to protect it from the threat of privatisation.” Below is the list of TDs who have signed the SIPTU/TEEU Water Guarantee. Labour Aodhán Ó Ríordáin Michael McCarthy Ciaran Lynch Jack Wall Sinn Féin David Cullinan Martin Ferris Padraig McLoughlin Michael Colreavy Pearse Doherty Brian Stanley Mary Lou Mc Donald Sandra McLellan Peadar Toibin Sean Crowe Gerry Adams Caoimhghin O Caolain Jonathan O’Brien Aengus O Snodaigh Dessie Ellis Fianna Fail Willie O’Dea Colm Keaveny Sean Haughey Social Democrats Roison Shortall Catherine Murphy Stephen Donnelly AAA Paul Murphy PBPARichard Boyd Barrett Independents Maureen O’Sullivan Seamus Healy Tommy Broughan Finian McGrath Joan Collins
TDs back trade unions call for referendum on public ownership of water services
Jan 19, 2016 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2016