Ireland is unique within the EU in having an entirely free-market approach to the collection of domestic waste. This model is not sustainable. It is, in summary, bad for the environment, bad for citizens and bad for workers. Ireland must reform its domestic waste collection service to bring it in line with the norm across all other EU member states.
SIPTU wants to:
- Improve and standardise pay across the sector by establishing legally enforceable minimum pay and terms and conditions of employment.
- Current average hourly pay rates for Waste Operatives loading the bins onto lorries does not match the Living Wage of €14.80 pr hour. SIPTU wants a minimum of €15.00 for operators
- Eliminate side-by-side competition by providers.
- Establish a public procurement process where Local Authorities award a single contract based on the quality of the labour contract and service criteria.
- To bring the service back under state control.