The Trade Union Federation (TUF), which includes SIPTU, BATU and Connect, has welcomed the agreement by Dublin City Council to introduce a monitoring body which will ensure that contractors comply with the Sectoral Employment Order (SEO) for the construction industry on council sites. SIPTU Organiser, John Regan, said: “TUF representatives met this morning (Tuesday, 11th March) with Dublin City Council officials regarding compliance issues on construction sites which involve publicly funded projects under the remit of the Council. The meeting was positive, with DCC committing to immediate engagement with the TUF unions regarding the establishment of a collective protocol agreement. This will secure the monitoring of the implementation of the SEO for the construction industry on sites under its remit.” Connect Official, Brian McAvinue, said: “The introduction of a monitoring body by DCC is welcomed as it will assist in making sure that public money is well spent in the building of badly needed housing in Dublin.” BATU Official, Brendan O’Sullivan, said: “DCC is taking immediate action in relation to SEO compliance issues identified by TUF on sites in Ballyfermot and Dominick Street. DCC has committed to hiring independent auditors to carry out an audit for compliance on both sites. DCC has also committed to tackling non-compliance issues across all publicly funded construction projects under its control.” TUF and DCC representatives have agreed to meet regularly to discuss SEO compliance issues. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 7th April.
TUF Unions welcome Dublin City Council agreement on monitoring SEO compliance
Mar 11, 2020 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2020