The Bord na Mόna (BNM) Group of Unions has condemned proposals to lay-off over 200 workers this week and has called on the board of the semi-state company to reject the plan. BNM Group of Unions Secretary, Willie Noone, said: “BNM management plans to avail of the Covid-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme for a company which made a €41 million profit last year. This is an abuse of the efforts of government to retain workers in employment and should be rejected by the Board of this semi-state company. “A primary reason that BNM was formed was to create and maintain employment in the Midlands. However, this aim now appears to have been replaced by a greater concern for the protection of the considerable salaries of senior managers, including a CEO package of €308,000 annually. “The BNM Group of Unions has sought alternative ways to retain workers on the payroll in a fair manner as well as clarity on employment numbers required into the future and provision for workers to exit voluntarily if they wish to. The company has given no indication that it will consider this request or that senior management take a similar reduction in earnings as workers, who face up to 50% loss of income due to the proposals.” He added: “The promises of reskilling, retaining or alternative employment for these workers, which was to be part of a ‘Just Transition’, have not materialised. We are calling on the BNM Board to reject the management plans and treat its workers fairly.” The BNM Group of Unions represents members of SIPTU, Connect and Unite.